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. 2009 Sep 4;3(6):277–285. doi: 10.1111/j.1750-2659.2009.00102.x

Table 4.

 Clinical and laboratory findings and demographic information for 13 patients with retrospectively confirmed* and probable influenza‐associated myositis (IAM) identified only by retrospective review of hospital discharge data – Nebraska, 2006–2007 influenza season

Parameter Case classification
Retrospectively confirmed* Probable
Total, n 4 9
Median age, years 9 7
 Range, years 7–14 4–12
 Male, n (%) 2 (50·0) 7 (77·8)
 Female, n (%) 2 (50·0) 2 (22·2)
Elevated CK, n (%) 4 (100·0) 5 (55·6)
 Range (U/l) 869–6053 221–15 225
Positive influenza test  result, n (%) 4 (100·0) 3 (33·3)
 Type A, n 1 0
 Type B, n 3 2
 A/B not distinguished, n 0 1
Admission date (range) 2/14/2007‐3/19/2007 2/14/2007‐3/31/2007
Hospitalized, n (%) 3 (75·0) 4 (44·4)

*Eight patients with retrospectively confirmed IAM not included because previously described in Part 1 of investigation.

Elevated creatinine kinase (CK) required to meet retrospectively confirmed case definition.

Positive influenza test result required to meet retrospectively confirmed case definition.