Table 1. Neurons that connect primary sensory centers and the mushroom body accessory calyx revealed by single cell analyses.
Cell type | Strain number | mushroom body calyx | primary sensory center | projections outside MB calyx | cell body |
OLCT1 | 40712 | dACA#, vACA | OL(LO6*) | ICL, PLP, SLP, SCL | near AME |
OLCT2 | 48048 | vACA | OL(ME7) | PLP | near AME |
OLCT2 | 38695 | vACA | OL(AME, ME7**) | PLP, SPS | near AME |
OLCT2 | 38866 | vACA | OL(AME, ME7) | PLP | near AME |
OLCT2 | 49421 | vACA | OL(AME,ME1-5**, ME6-7***) | PLP, ICL | near AME |
OLCT3 | 39199 | lACA | OL(AME) | PLP, SLP | SLP |
OLCT4 | 40712 | vACA | OL(AME, LO6, ME7) | ICL, PLP, WED | near AME |
OLCT5 | 40596 | dACA, vACA | OL(AME, ME7*) | ATL, ICL, PLP, SCL, SLP, SMP | SPS |
mALT | 39316 | dACA##, CA | AL(VP1) | LH | GNG |
mlALT | 48816 | lACA | AL(VP3) | GNG | |
SCT1 | 49862 | dACA## | GNG | SLP, SMP, LH | posterior to PB |
SCT1 | 49910 | dACA## | FLA | SLP, SMP, LH | posterior to PB |
Numbers following the ME and LO represent the layer numbers in which the neurons arborize. # and ## show that the neuron arborizes only in the anterior (#) and posterior (##) part of the dACA, respectively. Asterisks represent that the neurons which innervate only in the dorsal three-quarters (*), ventralmost (**), or ventral half (***) of the lobula or medulla were observed. AL, antennal lobe; AME, accessory medulla; ATL, antler; CA, main calyx; AVLP, anterior ventrolateral protocerebrum; dACA, dorsal accessory calyx; FLA, flange; GNG, gnathal ganglia; ICL, inferior clamp; lACA, lateral accessory calyx; LH, lateral horn; LO, lobula; mALT, medial antennal lobe tract; ME, medulla; mlALT, mediolateral antennal lobe tract; OL, optic lobe; OLCT, optic lobe calycal tract; PB, protocerebral bridge; PLP, posterior lateral protocerebrum; PRW, prow; SCL, superior clamp; SCT, subesophageal calycal tract; SLP, superior lateral protocerebrum; SMP, superior medial protocerebrum; SPS, superior posterior slope; vACA, ventral accessory calyx; WED, wedge.