A. Chronic amitifadine effects on nicotine self-administration over weeks. Chronic amitifadine had a significant (P<0.0005) main effect reducing nicotine self-administration (mean±S.E.M.). There was no apparent diminution of effect from the first week of dosing to the second or to the week of resumed after a 9-day period of enforced abstinence. Control N=10, Amitifadine N=12.
B. Chronic amitifadine effects on nicotine self-administration over 15 min blocks. In the chronic study, amitifadine had continued efficacy over the three 15-min. blocks during the test session (mean±S.E.M.) averaged over all sessions Amitifadine main effect (P<0.0005). Control N=10, Amitifadine N=12.
C. Chronic amitifadine effects on nicotine self-administration, session-by-session results. Amitifadine had continued efficacy (mean±S.E.M.) over the 10 sessions of chronic treatment and 5 session of resumed access after enforced abstinence, aamitifadine main effect (P<0.0005). Control N=10, Amitifadine N=12.