Histology scoring system
Grade 0: Normal mucosa |
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Grade 1: Subepithelial space at the villous tip |
Grade 2: More extended subepithelial space |
Grade 3: Epithelial lifting along the villous sides |
Grade 4: Denuded villi |
Grade 5: Loss of villous tissue |
Grade 6: Crypt layer infarction |
Grade 7: Transmucosal infarction |
Grade 8: Transmural infarction |
Grade 0: Normal mucosa |
4,8,11,19-21 |
Grade 1: Sloughing of cells on villous tips |
Grade 2: Mid-villous damage |
Grade 3: Villi were absent, but crypts were still readily detectable |
Grade 4: Complete absence of epithelial structures and transmural necrosis |
Grade 0: Normal villus |
6,22-31 |
Grade 1: Villi with tip distortion |
Grade 2: Goblet cells and Gugenheims' spaces are missing |
Grade 3: Villi with patchy disruption of the epithelial cells |
Grade 4: Villi with exposed, but intact lamina propria with epithelial cell sloughing |
Grade 5: Lamina propria is exuding |
Grade 6: Villi that display hemorrhage or to villi that are denuded |
Grade 0: Normal histology |
32,33 |
Grade 1: Slight disruption of the surface epithelium |
Grade 2: Epithelial cell loss injury at villus tip |
Grade 3: Mucosal vasocongestion, hemorrhage, and focal necrosis with loss of less than half of villi |
Grade 4: Damage extending to more than one-half of villi |