(A) Frequencies of FOXP3+Helios+ and FOXP3+Helios- in CD45RO+ (memory) CD4 T cells and FOXP3+Helios+ in CD45RO- (naïve) CD4 T cells in HIV-, ART-, and ART+ children. Graphs show medians with interquartile ranges. P-value reported for two-sided Mann-Whitney test with threshold significance of 0.05. (B) Percent of FOXP3+Helios+ in memory CD4 T cells vs. CD4 percent in total lymphocytes (top) and CD4:CD8 ratio (middle) in HIV-, ART-, and ART+ children. (B, bottom) Percent of FOXP3+Helios+ in memory CD4 T cells vs. plasma HIV RNA log copies/ml in ART- and ART+ children with HIV viral load above the detection limit 110 copies/ml. HIV- shown in open circles (○); HIV+ in filled circles (●). P- and r- values were calculated with Spearman's correlation test.