Numerical simulation of the model Eqs. 4. (a): Time series of the “voltage” variable x (upper trace) and noise y(t) (lower trace) for the nonrenewal (a1) and renewal (a2) models. (b): Probability density of ISIs, W (I) for renewal (solid line) and nonrenewal (open circles) models. (c): Power spectral densities (PSD) of noise y(t) in renewal (grey line) and nonrenewal (black line) models. (d): Serial correlation coefficients (SCC) of spike trains produced by renewal (grey line) and nonrenewal (black line with circles) models. The parameters are λ = 2, A2 = 0.2, fe/fa = 0.4, Q = 20.0, τc = 375, ση = 0.5 · 10−4, fe/fa = 0.43. Time axes are in units of mean interspike intervals. The frequency axis in panel (c) is scaled by the mean firing rate fa = 2.