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. 2016 Jul 11;7(4):665–678. doi: 10.3945/an.115.010330


Study characteristics of included human cohort studies1

Article (y) (ref) Potential confounders adjusted for in the analysis Method of status assessment Method of outcomeassessment Number at Start with Complete Exposure Data, Loss to Follow-up Funder
Allen et al. (2013) (42) Presence of maternal kidney dysfunction at 18 wk gestation, family income, biological father living at home at age 14 y, offspring BMI at age 14 y, and offspring depressive symptoms at age 14 y EIA C-EDE; EDE-Q Baseline: n = 802 Caucasian mothers; follow-up: n = 526 (66%) pairs with available outcome data in adolescence, of which 308 were mother-daughter pairs included in the analyses Nonprofit
Gale et al. (2008) (43) No adjustment for potential confounders RIA WASI; SDQ Baseline: n = 466; follow-up: n = 178 with available outcome data at 9 y Nonprofit
Hanieh et al. (2014) (44) Maternal age, maternal education, month of blood sampling, maternal BMI, gravidity, maternal depression, and treatment group during RCT LC-MS BSID Baseline: n = 960; follow-up: n = 886 Nonprofit
Keim et al. (2014) (45) Maternal education, maternal age, parity, race, maternal BMI, marital status, smoking, gestational age, month of blood sampling, and study site LC-MS/MS BSID; SBIC; behavior; WISC; WRAT Baseline: n = 4444; follow-up: 8 mo, n = 3587; 4 y, n = 3146; 7 y, n = 3237 Nonprofit
Morales et al. (2012) (47) Study site, offspring sex, birth weight, maternal country of origin, maternal age, parental social class, maternal education, parity, maternal prepregnancy BMI, and maternal smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy HPLC BSID Baseline: n = 2389; follow-up: n = 1820 Nonprofit
Strөm et al. (2014) (48) Parity, maternal age, maternal prepregnancy BMI, maternal smoking during pregnancy, maternal education, offspring sex, and season of blood sampling LC-MS/MS Depression and ADHD: first admission diagnosis or medication prescription. Scholastic achievement: mean grade of standardized written exams in grade 9. Baseline: n = 851; follow-up: n = 798 for scholastic achievement, n = 850 for depression and ADHD Vitamin D biomarkers in maternal sera were funded by a grant from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Sullivan et al. (2013) (49) Maternal age, parity, maternal BMI, maternal smoking, maternal alcohol intake, maternal symptoms of depression, social economic position of head of household, maternal educational level, housing tenure, and season of blood sampling LC-MS/MS PLIKSi Baseline: n = 6780; follow-up: n = 2399; analysis sample: n = 2047, due to missing data on covariables (n = 352) Nonprofit
Whitehouse et al.(2012) (50) For PPVT-R model: maternal age at conception, family income, maternal smoking during pregnancy, offspring parity, and season of blood sampling. Analyses on CBCL were not adjusted for confounders. EIA CBCL; PPVT-R Baseline: n = 813; follow-up: n = 743 Nonprofit
Whitehouse et al.(2013) (51) Maternal race, maternal alcohol intake during pregnancy, maternal education, family income, offspring gestational age at birth, offspring parity, offspring Apgar scores 5 min after birth, and season of blood sampling EIA AQ Baseline: n = 929; follow-up: n = 406 Nonprofit

Baseline: n, number of participants with available 25(OH)D data. ADHD, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; AQ, autism spectrum quotient; BSID, Bayley Scales of Infant Development; CBCL, child behavior checklist; C-EDE, Child Eating Disorder Examination; EDE-Q, Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire; EIA, enzyme immunoassay; PLIKSi, psychosis-like symptom interview; PPVT-R: Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Revised; RCT, randomized controlled trials; ref, reference; SBIC, Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale; SDQ, Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire; WASI, Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence; WISC, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children; WRAT, Wide Range of Achievement Test; 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D.