Figure 2. Incision-induced heat hyperalgesia in WT, PRL KO and PRL-R KO female and male mice.
(A) Incision-induced heat hyperalgesia in WT and PRL KO female mice. Heat hyperalgesia is measured as changes in paw withdrawal latency from baseline measured before surgery (PWL; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; 2-way ANOVA; n=8). (B) Incision-induced heat hyperalgesia in WT and PRL KO male mice (PWL; NS; 2-way ANOVA; n=8) (C) Incision-induced heat hyperalgesia in WT and PRL-R KO female mice ( PWL; *p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001 2-way ANOVA; n=8). (D) Incision-induced heat hyperalgesia in WT and PRL-R KO male mice. ( PWL; NS; 2-way ANOVA; n=8). Post-incision time points are indicated above X-axis. Mouse lines and sex (i.e F and M) are noted. WT, PRL KO and PRL-R KO shams are for n=5 (each).