FIG. 5.
Cumulative DNA, GAG, and total protein during 0.1% SDS perfusion and scaffold analysis after modified protocol. (A) Most of the DNA and proteins are removed during the first 4 h of 0.1% SDS perfusion, while GAG is removed during the last 8 h of perfusion. This set up the platform for our modified decellularization to shorten the 0.1% SDS perfusion to 4 h to prevent significant removal of GAG. (B) Comparison between modified and original decellularization protocols in GAG, DNA, and collagen concentration analysis. Retention of glycosaminoglycan was higher in the modified protocol (#p = 0.01 by unpaired two-tailed t-test), while DNA removal was similar between both protocols (*p = 0.251). Retention of collagen was also similar between both protocols (*p = 0.369). All error bars represent SEM (n ≥ 6, *NS differences are not significant). Color images available online at