Fig 8. Comparison of the proposed calendar dates BCE from some of the main Mesopotamian Historical Chronologies [5, 9–19, 73] for four key REL dates [5] versus the dendro-14C-wigglematch date ranges (95.4% probability range) for the likely Earliest Use (EU) of the Sarıkaya Palace at Acemhöyük [23] as +1 year from latest primary construction timber with bark/waney edge (data from Table 2, Model 8a, Table 3), and including the subsequent dendrochronologically known repairs/additions to the building [23].
The known lifetime of the Sarıkaya Palace runs from the time of Šamši-Adad I (with nothing earlier) through sealings of Aplahanda of Carchemish who died around REL 208. The dates indicated are: (i) REL 165 (Šamši-Adad I conquers Aššur); (ii) REL 197 (death of Šamši-Adad I) [5]; (iii) REL 190s which represent a cluster of dates on documents at the Sarıkaya Palace [29]; and (iv) REL 208. The respective calendar dates BCE for the Fall of Babylon (sacked by the Hittite king Muršili I) according to the five main Mesopotamian Historical Chronologies [5, 9–12, 15–19, 73] are given in green text also (note: the chronology of Mebert [19], 8-years later than the Low Chronology, is not shown).