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. 2016 Jul 13;11(7):e0157144. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0157144

Table 2. Dendro-14C-wiggle-match placements for the Anatolian tree-ring series.

Dating Model Elements /dates ring 776 Date BCE 68.2% hpd range 95.4% hpd range Amodel Aoverall Outliers
Gordion Scheme Relative Years (RY)
μ±σ M+ Date BCE Date BCE
1. GOR RY776.5–1764
128/128 1738±1 1738 1740–1737 1741–1736 0.8 0.8 25
2. = 1 minus outliers
103/103 1738±1 1738 1739–1736 1741–1735 123.4 118.4 1
3. = 2 minus outlier
102/102 1738±1 1738 1740–1737 1741–1735 141.4 133.9 0
3a. = 3 with ΔR 0, 10 (μ±σ = 6.9±2.3)
1738±2 1738 1739–1736 1741–1734 247.7 233.2 0
4. GOR RY776.5–1145.5
50/50 1732±3 1732 1736–1730 1739–1729 10.9 12.4 7
5. = 4 minus outliers
43/43 1734±2 1734 1737–1732 1737–1726 97.7 98.8 0
6. POR
18/51 1753±7# 1754 1759–1751 1762–1740 (91.4%), 1736–1730 (4%) 92.6 103.1 0
6a. = 6 with ΔR 0, 10 (μ±σ = -5.6±6.4)
1754±8 1756 1760–1753 1764–1746 (89.6%), 1735–1725 (5.8%) 118.1 125 0
6b. POR (OxA & VERA separate)
1753±6 1755 1759–1752 1762–1740 (93.2%), 1736–1732 (2.2%) 100 107.3 0
7a. KUL-KBK-ACM = MBA (KUL and ACM samples separate)
39/103 1746±8 1744 1749–1738 1771–1734 4.3 13.1 6
7b. 7a but with KUL+ACM combined, minus 1 sample*
34/102 1746±10 1743 1749–1737 1773–1764 (9.8%), 1757–1773 (85.6%) 5.5 18.8 5
8a. = 7a minus outliers
33/90 1744±4 1744 1748–1739 1752–1736 137.2 142.1 0
8b. = 7b minus outliers
29/90 1745±4 1745 1749–1741 1753–1738 121.3 128.1 0
8c. = 8a with ΔR 0, 10 (μ±σ = 3.4±5.7)
1742±5 1741 1746–1736 1752–1732 170.7 167.9 0

Calendar date (BCE) placements for the dendro-14C-wiggle-matches of the Gordion, Porsuk and MBA tree-ring chronologies (Fig 3) employing IntCal13 and OxCal [43, 61, 62] expressed in terms of RY776 following the previous chronology based on the Gordion RY sequence and dates published [2123, 31, 40, 41]. The models consider first all data in each series, and then excluding outliers if present (RScaled outlier model in OxCal [63]) and considering possible 14C offsets (ΔR [62]). Typical outputs are shown (see also Figures J-N in S1 File). The OxCal Amodel and Aoverall values should be about ≥60 to indicate satisfactory agreement within the model. Elements are the separate dendro-sequenced analytical units in the models–these may comprise one or more dates; where plural these dates on the identical tree-rings are employed as a weighted average [60]. Note: RY776 is simply an arbitrary choice (but used since it was the reference point for previous Gordion-based dates) to allow comparison of the different chronologies. If the previously published crossdates and positions were correct (e.g. [2123, 31, 40, 41]), then all the chronologies should yield approximately the same calendar age ranges for RY776. They do not. The tree-ring series do not all include an RY776 –this year is extrapolated in such cases to enable the comparison in terms of a single year.

+ M = median value

# The probability distribution for the Porsuk series is not approximately symmetrical–contrast all other cases–the mode of the distribution is 2 years older than the mean, and 1 year older than the median–at 1755 BCE for Model 6. We use 1755 BCE as the best fit point.

* OxA-30907 for RY607-615 had divergent δ13C values recorded by the AMS versus those independently measured on an MS, and so is considered inherently less than entirely reliable and so was excluded in run 7b (but included in run 7a).