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. 2016 Jul 6;95(1):182–192. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.16-0013

Table 1.

Characteristics of nine commercial CHIK IgM detection assays

Manufacturer Assay name and format No. of samples per kit Sample volume (μL) Estimated time to test 20 samples (hours) Storage conditions (°C) Evaluated by laboratory
Microplate MAC-ELISA
 Abcam (Cambridge, UK) Anti-CHIKV IgM human ELISA 91 10 4 2–8 CARPHA, CDC
 CTK Biotech (San Diego, CA) Recombilisa CHIK IgM Test 91 10 2 2–8 CDC
 Euroimmun (Luebeck, Germany) Anti-CHIKV ELISA (IgM) 93 2 3.5 2–8 CARPHA, CDC, and NML
 Genway (San Diego, CA) CHIKV IgM μ-capture ELISA 91 10 4 2–8 CDC
 InBios (Seattle, WA) CHIKjj Detect MAC-ELISA 92 4 3.5 Most 2–8; antigen −20 to −80 CARPHA, CDC
 SD Standard Diagnostics (Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea) CHIKa IgM ELISA 91 10 2 2–8 CDC
Rapid test
 CTK Biotech On-site CHIK IgM Combo Rapid test 30 30 0.5 2–30 CDC
 SD Diagnostics SD BIOLINE Chikungunya IgM 25 50 0.5 1–30 CDC
Indirect immunofluorescence assay
 Euroimmun Anti-CHIKV IIFT (IgM)* 50 ∼15 3 2–8 CARPHA, CDC

CARPHA = Caribbean Public Health Agency; CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; CHIKV = chikungunya virus; IIFT = indirect immunofluorescent test; MAC-ELISA = IgM antibody-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; NML = the Public Health Agency of Canada National Microbiology Laboratory.


Immunosorb IgG depletion sample buffer purchased separately.