Figure 2. Endocytic membrane morphologies in chc1Δ cells.
(A) Correlative fluorescence and electron microscopy of chc1Δ yeast cells expressing Sla1-GFP, Abp1-mCherry. Three examples of membrane ultrastructures underlying sites of Sla1 and Abp1 colocalization. Upper panel shows overlays of RFP and GFP channel images, lower panel images are virtual slices through electron tomograms, acquired at positions corresponding to the fluorescent spots marked by the white dashed circles. Black arrowheads indicate endocytic vesicles. Scale bars are 2 µm in the upper panel, 100 nm in the lower panel. (B) Curvature of invagination tips identified by correlative microscopy in chc1Δ, plotted against the invagination depths. The dashed line is a cubic smoothing spline fitted to the data points of wild-type invagination tip curvatures, published in (Kukulski et al., 2012a). (C) Surface areas of vesicles identified by correlative microscopy in chc1Δ and compared to wild-type cells (Kukulski et al., 2012a). Red central line represents the mean, upper and lower red lines represent standard deviations.