Figure 1.
Effect of diet on urinary aldosterone (UAldo) and plasma renin concentration (PRC). A. 24-hour UAldo/creatinine (ng/mg) of wild type WT (white bars) and T1KO mice (black bars) on each of 3 salt diets: low Na (0.02% Na-LS; n=25/13), normal Na (0.3% (Na-NS; n=38/14); high Na (2.0% Na-HS; n=32/13). B. PRC (mg of angiotensin [Ang] 1 per ml/h) of WT and T1KO mice on salt diets: LS (n=21/12), NS (n=22/13), HS (n=18/11). Values represent mean ±SEM; * vs WT mice (P<0.05, two-way ANOVA)