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. 2016 May 9;31(8):929–940. doi: 10.1007/s11606-016-3685-3

Table 2.

Description of the Motivational Interviewing Characteristics and Adherence Measures

Author MI delivery mode Definition of adherence/ evaluation time points/ variable type MI description and exposure time to MI Control description Interventionist
Berger21 Telephone counseling SR
Discontinuation of treatment at 3 months
Software-guided MI calls every 2 to 4 weeks for 3 months depending on stage of readiness. MI exposure not specified Access to call center via toll-free hotline Three members of the call center
Dilorio20 Individual counseling
and telephone as needed
% Doses taken
% Doses taken on time
At 3, 6 and 12 months
Five MI sessions over 3 months. Eighty percent held in person and lasted on average between 20-90 min. Telephone sessions (for sessions 2–5) were conducted as needed for participants who were unable to meet the counselor in the clinic. Minimum exposure time: 170 min (median) Usual adherence education provided at the clinic Study nurses trained in MI
Goggin25 Individual and telephone calls EDM
-% Doses taken
-% Doses taken on time
At 3, 6, 9 and 12 months
Six MI counseling sessions (weeks 0, 1, 2, 6, 11 and 23) and 4 telephone sessions (weeks 4, 9, 15 and 19). On average, sessions lasted 25 min. Average exposure 150 min Medical care and counseling as usual from their clinic providers Master’s degree level trained by a licensed clinical psychologist
Golin22 Individual counseling CAS: pill count, SR EDM:
 >95 % adherent
-mean adherence
-% Doses taken
At 3 months
Continuous and categorical
During 12 weeks subjects received a 20-min audiotape and booklet, two MI sessions at weeks 4 and 8, and a mailing 2 weeks after each session. Exposure time: not reported Similar format but providing only general HIV information without using MI techniques Master’s degree level health educator
Holstad16 Group counseling MEMS Track-caps:
-% Doses taken
-% Doses taken on schedule
At 3 and 6 months
Eight 1.5– 2 h group MI sessions during 9 months.
MI Exposure time: 720–960 min
1.5–2-h sessions on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction and women’s health Trained MI nurses
Holstad26 Group counseling SR: AGAS, VAS and ACTG scales:
Mean adherence
-proportion of doses taken in prior 30 days
-never missing in 30 days
At 6 months
Continuous and categorical
Eight 1.5–2-h MI group sessions during 6-month MI exposure: 720–960 min Eight 1.5–2-h health education sessions focusing on nutrition, exercise, stress reduction and women’s health Health workers
Ingersoll17 Individual counseling SR: 14-day TLFB:
% Pills taken per day
At 3 and 6 months
6 MI sessions plus feedback and skills building over 8 weeks. Each session lasted between 45 and 60 min. MI exposure 270–360 min Equivalent time to offer information about HAART and crack cocaine use Master’s or doctoral degree in clinical psychology, social work or counseling
Interian19 Individual counseling MEMS Cap and Medication Taking Scale:
% Doses taken
At 5 weeks and 5 months
Three 60-min MI sessions during 5 months. MI exposure: 180 min Pharmacotherapy, as well as some psychotherapy treatment Clinical psychologist and psychology doctoral students
Konkle-Parker15 Individual counseling and telephone calls SR: 3- to 4- week adherence recall by VAS
Pharmacy refill rate
 >90 % adherent
At 26 weeks
Two 30–60 min sessions with the PI at weeks 1 and 2 and then six telephone call sessions tapering during 24 weeks. Telephone sessions averaged less than 10 min. MI exposure: 120 min Usual care PI and a nurse practitioner trained in MI
Lavoie18 Individual % Pharmacy refills
Mean change in percent of refills
At 6 and 12 months
Three to five individual 15–30-min sessions over a 4–6-week period. The educator and patient decided together if more than 3 sessions were needed. MI exposure time: 60 to 150 min Standard of care Psychologist trained in motivational interviewing
Ogedege29 Individual counseling MEMS pill caps
% Adherent at 12 months
30–40-min MI sessions at 3, 6, 9 and 12 month
MI exposure time: 120 min
Usual care Trained RAs
Palacio27 Telephone Pharmacy claims data
-MPR ≥80 %
Self report: MMAS-4
At 12 months
Continuous and categorical
Four 20–30-min sessions during a 12-month period (calls every 3 months)
MI exposure: 80 to 120 min
Mailed educational DVD MI-trained nurses
Parsons24 Individual SR: 14-day TLFB
% Doses taken
% Days with perfect adherence
At 3 and 6 months
Eight 60-min sessions over a period of 12 weeks
The first session delivered immediately on completion of the baseline assessment.
MI exposure time: 480 min
8 Sessions to give information on HIV, HAART and alcohol Master’s degree prepared counselors
Pradier23 Individual counseling SR: 4-day recall
% Adherent at 6 months
Three 45–60-min MI sessions at months 0, 2 and 4.
MI exposure time 135-180 min
Clinical follow-up every 2– 3 months Trained nurses
Samet28 Individual counseling SR: 3- and 30-day ACTG scale
-mean 30-day adherence
-95 % adherent in last 30 days
At 2–6 and 12–13 months
Initial 60-min individual, a follow-up home visit within the first 3 weeks, and 2 subsequent 15–30-min appointments at 1 month and 3 months.
MI exposure time: 90–120 min
Standard care for HIV infection, included verbal and written instructions about optimal medication Nurse trained in MI
Solomon32 Telephone counseling Median MPR
MPR >80 %
At 12 months
Continuous and categorical
Ten phone-based MI sessions during 12 months
MI exposure: not specified
Mailed educational materials Health educators
Zwikker31 Group counseling SR: CQR and MARS
% Adherent
At 6 and 12 months
Intervention consisted of two MI-guided group sessions (1 week apart) Brochures about DMARDS they were using Pharmacists

SR: Self report:

MEMS: Medication Event Monitoring System

CAS: Composite adherence score

EDM: Electronic drug monitor

AGAS: Anti-retroviral medication General Adherence Scale

VAS: visual analog scale (VAS)

ACTG: adherence questionnaire

14-TLFB: 14-day timeline follow-back

MMAS-4: 4-item Morisky Medication Adherence Scale

MPR: Medication possession ratio

CQR: Compliance Questionnaire Rheumatology

MARS: Medication Adherence Report Scale

DMARDS: disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs