Figure 2.
3D reconstruction of the mouse brain. A, Example injection targeting GCL of the MOB. Scale bar, 500 μm. B, Reconstruction of tissue (light gray), GCL boundary (dark gray), and fluorescently labeled neurons (red) from injection in A. Scale bar, 500 μm. C, 3D reconstruction of MOB (light gray), GCL boundary (dark gray), injection site (black arrow, red = labeled neurons), and retrogradely labeled cells in the bulb (red). Scale bar, 500 μm. D, Top left, Sagittal view of bulb in C with border of GCL (dark gray), tissue edge (light gray), and labeled neurons (red). D, Top right, Density plot of injection site (black arrow) and retrogradely labeled neurons within the bulb. Bottom left, Horizontal view of bulb from C and (bottom, right) density plot of retrogradely labeled shows that injection is confined entirely to the ipsilateral hemisphere of the within the GCL. E1, E2, Coronal section of AON with tissue edge outlined in gray, retrogradely labeled neurons in the ipsilateral hemisphere identified in magenta, and neurons labeled in the contralateral hemisphere identified in blue from the injection site in B. Scale bar, 500 μm. E3, Enlargement of identified neurons (magenta) reveals accuracy of automated cell-finding algorithm. F1, F2, Retrogradely labeled neurons in the piriform cortex (cyan) and tissue edge (gray) from the injection site in B. Scale bar, 500 μm. F3, Enlargement of region illustrates the accuracy of the automated cell finder across different brain regions. G, 3D reconstruction of whole mouse brain with retrogradely labeled neurons from the injection site, ipsilateral and contralateral AON, and the piriform cortex identified. Gray lines correspond to the edge of the tissue for each coronal section in the reconstruction. Scale bar, 500 μm.