The cross-country associations between change in risk factors and change in cardiovascular death rates between 1980 and 2008 in 26 industrialised countries. Each point shows one country. All variables were age-standardized. The lines show the fitted linear associations. Source: Di Cesare et al.168
Note: Lung cancer (LC) death rate was used to measure cumulative population exposure to smoking using because data on lung cancer mortality trends are more widely available and more reliable than on smoking prevalence and intensity.231,232
ARG: Argentina; AUS: Australia; AUT: Austria; BEL: Belgium; CAN: Canada; CHE: Switzerland; CHL: Chile; DEU: Germany; DNK: Denmark; ESP: Spain; FIN: Finland; FRA: France; GBR: United Kingdom; GRC: Greece; IRL: Ireland; ISR: Israel; ITA: Italy; JPN: Japan; LUX: Luxembourg; MEX: Mexico; NLD: Netherlands; NOR: Norway; NZL: New Zealand; PRT: Portugal; SWE: Sweden; USA: United States of America