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. 2016 Jun 20;31(4):450–464. doi: 10.1093/her/cyw028

Table III.

Barriers for smoking cessation

Theme Exemplar quotations Age and relation to child Frequencya
Social network If a person smokes they get a lot of attention and love. And if a person don’t smoke it be like this person don’t like to have fun. 26; Step-father 11
I want to quit, [but] it’s just so hard to sit down with my uncle and family and say, ‘I need your support’. 25; Birth mother A
The majority of my workers smoke…out of 11 of us, it’s only about 3 that don’t. 41 Birth mother
Cessation treatment options I didn’t like the way the pills made me feel….the pills made me jittery. 41; Birth mother 11
If I had the money I would try to see if I could get that patch. 25; Step-father
I wonder what the side effects of this stuff. I wonder does it really work. 19; Birth mother
My mom tried a gum before when she was trying to stop. She said that it was nasty. 34; Step-mother
Money I’ve been under a lot of stress trying to keep up with my bills…it’s been very stressful. 49; Grand-mother 7
Medical assistance don’t cover [cessation tools]? 25; Birth mother
The patches are high…with cigarettes, you don’t pay for them all at one time. 41; Birth mother A

Indicates number of participants who endorsed this theme (n = 52).