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. 2016 Jul 15;12(7):e1006133. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006133

Table 1. Targeted screen for factors regulating Ptbb-6::GFP expression and larval development in isp-1(qm150) worms (quantified relative to vector-treated animals).

RNAi Gene Name Gene Function Ptbb-6::GFP Development Reference
B0478.1 jnk-1 Jun-N-terminal MAPK (stress response) + no effect
T07A9.3 kgb-1 Jun-N-terminal MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
ZC416.4 kgb-2 Jun-N-terminal MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
C49C3.10 Jun-N-terminal MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
Y51B9A.9 Jun-N-terminal MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
B0218.3 pmk-1 p38 MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
F42G8.3 pmk-2 p38 MAPK (stress response) no effect no effect
F42G8.4 pmk-3 p38 MAPK (stress response) --- no effect
F43C1.2 mpk-1 ERK MAPK (growth response factor) no effect no effect
W06B3.2 sma-5 ERK MAPK (development) +++ delay/arrest
W06F12.1 lit-1 nmo MAPK (development and inflammation) no effect no effect
C04G6.1 mpk-2 MAPK no effect no effect
C05D10.2 MAPK - no effect
F09C12.2 related to MAPK - no effect
F35C8.3 jkk-1 MAPKK - no effect
K08A8.1 mek-1 MAPKK no effect no effect
Y54E10BL.6 mek-2 MAPKK variable no effect
F42G10.2 mkk-4 MAPKK + no effect
R03G5.2 sek-1 MAPKK -- no effect
ZC449.3 sek-3 MAPKK --- no effect
F35C8.2 sek-4 MAPKK no effect no effect
F35C8.1 sek-5 MAPKK no effect no effect
VZC374L.1 sek-6 MAPKK no effect no effect
E02D9.1 MAPKK no effect no effect
F29C4.1 daf-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
C05D2.1 daf-4 MAPKKK no effect no effect
F33E2.2 dlk-1 MAPKKK -- no effect
F13B9.5 ksr-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
F58D5.4 ksr-2 MAPKKK no effect no effect
K11D12.10 mlk-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
F52F12.3 mom-4 MAPKKK no effect no effect
B0414.7 mtk-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
F59A6.1 nsy-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
K09B11.1 pik-1 MAPKKK no effect no effect
C24A1.3 MAPKKK no effect no effect
Y105C5A.x MAPKKK no effect no effect
Dual-Specificity Phosphatases
F08B1.1 vhp-1 dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase +++ arrested [61]
C04F12.8 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase no effect no effect
C24F3.2 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase no effect no effect
F13D11.3 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase no effect no effect
F28C6.8 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase no effect no effect
Y54F10BM.13 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase + delayed
ZK757.2 potential dual-specificity MAPK phosphatase no effect no effect
PMK-3 Signaling Pathway Interactors
D1005.3 cebp-1 bZIP TF; CCAAT-enhancer binding protein no effect no effect [62]
C44C8.6 mak-2 MAP kinase activated protein kinase + delayed [63]
F26H9.6* rab-5 RAB5 GTPase ortholog + arrested [64]
C01B7.6* rpm-1 E3 ubiquitin ligase - no effect [65]
F26H9.7 uev-3 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) variant -- no effect [63]
Transcription Factors modulating Mit Mutant Lifespan
C25A1.11 aha-1 AHA-1 interacts with AHR-1 and HIF-1 in vitro no effect delayed [33]
ZC64.3 ceh-18 POU-class homeodomain transcription factor + asynchronous [33]
ZK652.5* ceh-23 homeodomain transcription factor no effect no effect [66]
F52B5.5 cep-1 ortholog of human tumor suppressor p53 no effect no effect [21]
F38A6.3 hif-1 hypoxia-induced transcription factor no effect no effect [67]
W02C12.3* hlh-30 bHLH TF; lipid metabolism no effect delayed [68]
T24H10.7 jun-1 bZIP TF; development + no effect [33]
F16H9.2 nhr-27 nuclear hormone receptor transcription factor no effect no effect [33]
K10C3.6 nhr-49 NHR transcription factor; lipid metabolism no effect asynchronous [33]
R119.6 taf-4 TFIID transcription factor +++ delayed [33]
Immune Response
C33D3.1* elt-2 GATA-type TF; intestinal immunity no effect delay/arrest [69]
C50H2.1 fshr-1 neuropeptide receptor no effect no effect [70]
Y53C10A.12 hsf-1 heat-shock TF; stress and immune response ++ not tested [71]
K02F3.4 zip-2 immune response no effect no effect [72]
spg-7 RNAi Induced
F45E4.1* arf-1.1 ADP-ribosylation factor no effect no effect [43]
ZC376.7 atfs-1 mitochondrial unfolded protein +++ delay/arrest [43]
K01D12.11* cdr-4 cadmium responsive + no effect [43]
F52E1.13* lmd-3 oxidative resistance + no effect [43]
F40F8.7 pqm-1 paraquat responsive + no effect [43]
T19E7.2 skn-1 development; oxidative stress response + no effect [43]
F47H4.10* skr-5 homolog of Skp1 in S. cerevisiae no effect no effect [43]
T16G1.4* uncharacterized + no effect [43]
F57H12.1 arf-3 ADP-ribosylation factor +++ no effect [60]
F56A8.6* cpf-2 mRNA cleavage +++ delayed [60]
F09G2.4* cpsf-2 cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor + delayed [60]
D2045.6 cul-1 cullin; development +++ delayed [60]
R13H8.1 daf-16 forkhead box O (FOXO) transcription factor no effect no effect [60]
C26C6.5* dcp-66 ortholog of NuRD component p66 no effect no effect [60]
F47A4.2 dpy-22 mediator protein subunit - no effect [60]
C33D3.1* elt-2 GATA-type TF; intestinal immunity no effect delay/arrest [60]
H13N06.3* gob-1 trehalose-6-phosphatase variable delayed [60]
C53A5.3* hda-1 histone deacetylase - no effect [60]
F25B4.6 hmgs-1 HMG-CoA synthase +++ delay/arrest [60]
F32E10.4* ima-3 importin alpha nuclear transport factor ++ delayed [60]
C41C4.4* ire-1 ER unfolded protein response (UPR) + delayed [60]
M7.1 let-70 E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme --- delay/arrest [60]
F38H4.9* let-92 catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A --- delay/arrest [60]
T27C4.4* lin-40 component of NuRD complex -- delayed [60]
C25H3.6* mdt-26 mediator; development + no effect [60]
ZC581.1* nekl-2 serine threonine protein kinase - arrested [60]
T23H2.5* rab-10 RAB-like GTPase +++ no effect [60]
C35C5.1* sdc-2 regulates X transcription no effect delayed [60]
F46A9.5* skr-1 ubiquitin ligase complex component no effect no effect [60]
C06A8.2* snpc-1.1 small nuclear RNA activating complex -- delayed [60]
C23H3.4 sptl-1 serine palmitoyltransferase; development + arrested [60]
F19B6.2 ufd-1 ubiquitin selection chaperone -- delay/arrest [60]
C46C2.1* wnk-1 WNK-type protein kinase homolog no effect no effect [60]
F53F4.11* an ortholog of human RSL1D1 no effect delayed [60]
F40F12.7 cbp-3 CREB binding protein --- arrested [26]
F31E3.1 ceh-20 homeodomain transcription factor - no effect [26]
Y47G6A.23 lpd-3 lipid metabolism variable no effect [26]
R05D11.3 ran-4 nuclear transport factor; development variable delayed [26]
Y54E10BR.5 signal peptidase complex subunit no effect no effect [26]
Mitochondria-associated degradation (MAD)
C06A1.1 cdc-48.1 AAA-ATPase - arrested
C41C4.8 cdc-48.2 AAA-ATPase - arrested
F59E12.5 npl-4.2 ubiquitin selection chaperone -- arrested
F19B6.2 ufd-1 ubiquitin selection chaperone -- delay/arrest [60]
K06H7.3 vms-1 VCP/Cdc48-associated (controversial role) no effect no effect [7375]
Y116A8C.12* arf-6 ADP-ribosylation factor - no effect
C06A1.1 cdc-48.1 ubiquitin selection chaperone; ERAD - arrested
C41C4.8 cdc-48.2 ubiquitin selection chaperone; ERAD - arrested
C35D10.9 ced-4 programmed cell death no effect no effect [76]
F56D2.7 ced-6 cell-corpse engulfment during apoptosis no effect no effect
R13H8.1 daf-16 forkhead box O (FOXO) transcription factor no effect no effect
C26D10.5 eff-1 involved in cell fusions no effect no effect
F52E1.7 hsp-17 heat-shock protein chaperone no effect no effect
C09H6.2* lin-10 required for polarized protein localization + no effect
F59E12.5 npl-4.2 ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD) - arrested
F55B12.5 nrf-5 lipid-binding transportation protein no effect no effect
F29B9.4 psr-1 apoptotic pathway no effect no effect
C03C10.4 rei-1 RAB-11 GEF activity +++ no effect [77]
F10D11.1 sod-2 mitochondrial superoxide dismutase - no effect [78]
C44H4.5* tap-1 TGF-beta activated kinase no effect no effect
F42D1.2 tatn-1 tyrosine amino transferase no effect no effect
T04H1.9 tbb-6 beta-tubulin no effect no effect [43]
R13F6.4 ten-1 teneurin -- no effect
ZK524.2 unc-13 regulator of neurotransmitter release + no effect [79]
K06H7.3 vms-1 VCP/Cdc48-associated mito stress responsive no effect no effect [73]
D2030.9 wdr-23 negative regulator of SKN-1 - delayed [80]
T20F10.1 wts-1 integrity of apical intestinal membrane no effect no effect
C03C10.4 mitochondrial ribosome interacting protein +++ no effect

* RNAi clone was sequence not verified