Figure 3. Ca2+ signals in hippocampal astrocytes from wild type and Ip3r2–/– mice.
(A) Schematic illustrating the experimental approach. AAVs were microinjected in vivo, brain slices were imaged ∼ 2 weeks later and Ca2+ signals analyzed in a semi automated manner using custom software called GECIquant. (B) Representative images and traces for Ca2+ signals measured in an astrocyte from a WT mouse. Three predominant types of Ca2+ signal are demarcated: somatic signals (green), waves (red) and microdomains (yellow). Approximate territory boundaries are outlined in blue. (C) As in B, but for two astrocytes from an Ip3r2–/– mouse; somatic signals are largely absent, but many signals persist in branches. Figure from a recent paper [38].