(A) Triangulation of the cell network: each triangle vertex corresponds to a cell center. (B–B') Cartons depicting triangle pure shear and total tissue shear along the x axis. (C) Cartons depicting shear due to T1 transition, cell division and extrusion. (D) Pattern of local tissue shear rate obtained from the triangulation method. Scale bar 50 microns. (E) shows the average rate of tissue shear (blue) in the blade, interveins and veins, and the corresponding cellular shear contributions (other colors). Shaded regions indicate the standard deviation amongst wings. (F) shows the accumulated tissue shear over time and the accumulated contributions of each type of cellular event. The tissue shear (blue) in veins is orientated along the PD axis and it is higher than in inter-vein regions during most of pupal morphogenesis. It leads to an extension along the PD axis and to a narrowing along the anterior-posterior (AP) direction. By the end of the movie, accumulated tissue shear (blue) is almost twice as high in veins as in inter-vein regions. Shaded regions represent the standard deviation amongst wings.