Ca2+ is required for muscarinic receptor-induced translocation of cPKCs. A, DAG dynamics (magenta) and PKCβI translocation (green) in response to repeated stimulations with 100 μm carbachol in the presence of 3 mm glucose. B, parallel recordings of [Ca2+]pm (black) and PKCβI translocation (green) during exposure to carbachol (carb.) under control and Ca2+-deficient conditions (n = 22 cells from five experiments). CPA, cyclopiazonic acid. C, similar as in A, but extracellular Ca2+ was omitted, and 2 mm EGTA and 50 μm cyclopiazonic acid were added before the second carbachol stimulation. D, means ± S.E. for the relative amplitudes of the peak and following plateau of simultaneously recorded DAG production and PKCβI translocation in response to two consecutive carbachol applications in the presence or absence of Ca2+ (n = 18 and 10 cells from three and two experiments for control and 0 Ca2+, respectively). *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.0007; ***, p < 3 × 10−5 for the difference from the control (ctrl).