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. 2016 May 13;291(29):15131–15142. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M116.730408



Central TNFα potentiates the effect of leptin in increasing BP. Normal adult C57BL/6 mice (chow-fed males) received a hypothalamic third-ventricle injection of TNFα (10 pg), leptin (Lep, 2.5 μg), both cytokines (TNFα pretreated at 2 h prior to leptin injection, labeled as “TNFα→Lep”), or vehicle (Veh) during the daytime, were continuously monitored via pre-implanted telemetric BP probes prior to injection and following the period of injection and recovery (inj & rec). Data present average BP changes of mice injected with TNFα (A–D) or mice pre-treated with TNFα at 2 h before leptin injection (E–H). Curves show the time-course changes over a ∼3-h follow-up according to SBP (A, E), DBP (B, F) and MBP (C, G). Bar graphs in D and H show average SBP, DBP, and MBP over the duration outlined by broken lines in the curves shown in A–G. *, p < 0.05; n = 4–5 mice per group (A–H). Error bars reflect mean ± S.E.