Rapid BP-raising effect of central leptin in mice with dietary obesity. C57BL/6 mice (adult males) with moderate dietary obesity through ∼3-month HFD feeding were implanted with a BP radio transmitter in the carotid artery and an injection cannula in the hypothalamic ventricle. After post-surgery recovery, mice received an injection of leptin (Lep, 2.5 μg) during the daytime per day for 3 days. All mice were continuously recorded under telemetry for SBP (A, D), DBP (B, E), MBP (C, F), and HR (G) prior to and post injection. Curves show the time-course changes over a ∼3-h follow-up according to SBP (A), DBP (B), and MBP (C). Bar graphs show the levels of SBP (D), DBP (E), MBP (F), and HR (G) averaged over the early phase or second phase outlined by broken lines following leptin injection on each day. BP profiles of mice injected with vehicle (Veh) on each day were comparable, and data presented were obtained from day 1. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01, n = 4–5 mice per group. Error bars reflect mean ± S.E.