Figure 3. TNF-α neutralization using mouse anti-TNF-α or Enbrel (Humanized anti TNF-α Ab) had no effect on parasite replication in ex vivo SA culture.
Splenic aspirate cells were cultured at 37°C, 5% CO in the presence of either A) mouse anti human TNF-α Ab (20μg/ml) and Control IgG1 (20μg/ml) or B) Enbrel (20μg/ml) and isotype control human IgG (20 μg/ml). Values shown are the number of viable amastigotes present after 3 days, as estimated by microtitration culture in blood agar plates. Data represent the geometric mean of number of parasites. Comparison was made using Wilcoxon signed rank test for paired samples. Samples where growth was detected in the last well of titration in both control IgG and anti-TNF treated were excluded from analysis.