Fig. 5.
a Schematic representation of the ELF3 gene. Positions of the selected mutations introducing premature stop codons on the A- and B-genome copies of the gene are indicated with red triangles. Exons are shown as gray rectangles and introns as black lines. b–e Heading time and spikelet number of tetraploid BC2F3 lines carrying four possible homozygous combinations of ELF3 and PPD1 alleles. Plants were grown either under LD (b, c) or SD conditions (d, e). ELF3 alleles: ELF3-WT (blue dashed lines), elf3-null (red lines). PPD1 alleles: PPD-A1a (allele with reduced photoperiodic response); PPD-A1b (photoperiod sensitive allele). Asterisks between lines indicate significant differences between ELF3 alleles; asterisks on top and below lines indicate significant differences between PPD1 alleles (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ns nonsignificant)