Table 1.
Valence of experiences: negative vs. positive Znak doznań: Negatywny kontra Pozytywny |
The first picture shows a person who is clearly distressed—relevant experiences could include panic, irritation, disgust, despair, defeat, or crisis. The last pictures shows an individual who is obviously elated—relevant experiences could include fun, delight, happiness, relaxation, satisfaction, or repose. The remaining pictures depict intermediate states. |
Intensity of experiences: Tranquility vs. Excitation Intensywność doznań: Spokój kontra Ekscytacja |
The first pictures shows an individual who is very calm, almost sleeping—relevant states could include relaxation, tranquility, idleness, meditation, boredom, or laziness. The last picture shows an individual who is bursting with arousal—relevant states could include excitation, euphoria, excitement, rage, agitation, or anger. |
Sense of dominance: Being under control vs. Controlling Odczucie dominacji: Bycie pod kontrolą kontra Kontrolowanie |
The first picture shows an individual who feels a lack of control and agency—relevant states could include subordination, intimidation, subjugation, withdrawal, submission, or resignation. The last picture shows a person who is dominant and in control of the situation—relevant states could include control, influence, being important, dominant, recognized, or decisive. |
Origin of experience: from Heart vs. Reason Pochodzenie doznań: z Serca kontra Rozumu |
The first picture shows an individual who is overwhelmed with appeals from the heart—words that could represent these experiences include being beside oneself, complete commitment, full engagement, impulsivity, spontaneity, lack of hesitation. The last picture shows a person who is under the sway of the mind, who is reflective—words that could be used to represent this state include feelings that result from contemplation, planning, consideration, prediction, choices, or comparisons. |
Significance of experience: Insignificant vs. Significant for the individual Waga doznań: Nieważne kontra Ważne dla człowieka | The first picture shows a person whose current experience is not significant to his goals, plans, and expectations—his experience could be referred to using words such as trivial, gone unnoticed, fleeting, inconsequential, insignificant, unimportant. The last picture shows a person who is experiencing something very important to his goals, plans, and expectations—his experience could be referred to with words such as vitally important, significant, turning-point, consequential, meaningful, decisive. |
Concreteness Stopień konkretności lub abstrakcyjności słowa |
The words describe different things, conditions, actions, and features. Some are related to existing real objects such as house, tree, watermelon, carrots, or cat. Others, in turn, represent ideas that are born in our heads, such as justice, loyalty, goodness, thought or forecast. Think for a moment and indicate how, in your opinion, you associate the words presented with something concrete and tangible, which ones actually describe existing objects and things, and which are related to abstract ideas and thoughts. |
Imageability Na ile łatwo wyobrazić sobie obiekt lub stan opisywany przez słowo |
Words differ in how much they affect our senses. Some of them are hard to imagine or it takes a long time and requires a lot of effort to imagine them. On the other hand, some others capture the imagination and almost immediately the images associated with them appear in front of our eyes. Try to assess the extent to which the word is easy to imagine and associate with live images. |
Subjective age of acquisition Wiek w jakim człowiek uczy się danego słowa |
People are starting to learn words like “mom” or “dad”, and it will take some time before they will be able to write “Pan Tadeusz” [famous Polish XIX century book written as a poem]. Try to estimate how old is the person who learns the word. Think for a moment and enter next to the word the age at which more than half of people (children or adolescents) use this word. |