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. 2016 Jul 13;6(7):e012100. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-012100

Table 1.

Description of the MEDALZ cohort (N=70 719) at baseline (date of AD diagnosis).

Characteristic n (%)
 Men 24 602 (34.8)
 Women 46 117 (65.2)
Year of AD diagnosis
 2005 8547 (12.1)
 2006 8803 (12.5)
 2007 9442 (13.4)
 2008 10 327 (14.6)
 2009 10 500 (14.9)
 2010 10 878 (15.4)
 2011 12 222 (17.3)
Highest occupational social class during 1972-AD diagnosis
 Managerial/professional 14 680 (20.8)
 Office worker 5974 (8.5)
 Farming/forestry 13 443 (19.0)
 Sales/industry/cleaning 30 150 (42.6)
 Unknown 5932 (8.4)
 Did not respond 540 (0.8)
Highest socioeconomic position recorded for study participants in their middle age (age 45–55 years)
 Entrepreneurs and higher clerical workers 24 164 (34.2)
 Lower clerical workers and employees 40 895 (57.8)
 Unemployed, conscripts, retired and students 4830 (6.8)
 Unknown/missing 829 (1.2)
History of comorbidities
 Cardiovascular disease (special reimbursement register) 35 921 (50.8)
 Hospitalisation due to ischaemic heart disease (ICD-10 code I20-I25) 18 468 (26.1)
 Hospitalisation due to stroke (ICD-10 code I60-I64) 6828 (9.7)
 Diabetes (special reimbursement register) 9461 (13.4)
 Hospitalisation due to diabetes (ICD-10 code E10-E14) 7384 (10.4)
 Asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (special reimbursement register) 6199 (8.8)
 Hospitalisation due to asthma/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ICD-10 code J44-J46) 5267 (7.5)
 Hospitalisation due to hip fracture (ICD10-code S720-S721) 3714 (5.3)
 Hospitalisation due to any mental or behavioural disorder (ICD-10 code F*) 16 668 (23.6)
 Disorders due to psychoactive substance use (ICD-10 code F1*) 1832 (2.6)
 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (ICD-10 code F2*) 1882 (2.7)
 Depression (ICD-10 code F32-F34, F38-F39) 3760 (5.3)
 Mania and bipolar disorder (ICD-10 code F30-F31) 504 (0.8)
 Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (ICD-10 code F4*) 1756 (2.5)
 Disorders of adult personality and behaviour (ICD-10code F6*) 270 (0.4)
History of medication use
 Any antipsychotic (ATC-code N05A) 12 009 (17.0)
 Any antiepileptic medication (ATC-code N03A) 7176 (10.1)
 Any opioids (ATC-code N02A) 17 381 (24.6)
 Any antidepressants (ATC-code N06A) 22 984 (32.5)
 Benzodiazepines (ATC codes N05BA, N05CD, N05CF) 31 424 (44.4)
 Any diabetes drug (ATC code A10) 13 433 (19.0)
 Any CVD drug (ATC code C*) 60 856 (86.1)

AD, Alzheimer's disease; ATC, Anatomical Chemical Therapeutic classification system; CVD, cardiovascular disease; ICD 10, International Classification of Disease; 10th Edition; MEDLAZ, Medicine use and Alzheimer's disease.