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. 2016 Feb 22;108(7):djv429. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djv429

Table 2.

Patient and tumor characteristics across hospital quintiles of PET utilization for lung and esophageal cancers*

Characteristics Quintile
1 (low) 2 3 4 5 (high)
 Patients, No. 7842 21 922 20 827 24 306 22 255
 Age (median), y 76 76 76 76 76
 Race, No. (%)
  White 6361 (81.1) 19 015 (86.7) 18 253 (87.6) 21 048 (86.6) 19 620 (88.2)
  Black 884 (11.3) 1645 (7.5) 1790 (8.6) 1925 (7.9) 1515 (6.8)
  Other 597 (7.6) 1262 (5.8) 784 (3.8) 1333 (5.5) 1120 (5.0)
 AJCC stage, No. (%)
  I 1368 (17.4) 4410 (20.1) 4279 (20.5) 4983 (20.5) 4779 (21.5)
  II 299 (3.8) 893 (4.1) 876 (4.2) 1,074 (4.4) 1019 (4.6)
  III 1770 (22.6) 5349 (24.4) 4820 (23.1) 5622 (23.1) 5375 (24.2)
  IV 3326 (42.4) 8916 (40.6) 8315 (39.9) 9677 (39.8) 8527 (38.3)
 Patients, No. 771 940 915 953 867
 Age (median), y 76 77 75 76 74
 Race, No. (%)
  White 634 (82.2) 842 (89.6) 793 (86.7) 829 (87.0) 786 (90.7)
  Black 77 (10.0) 68 (7.2) 93 (10.2) 80 (8.4) 42 (4.8)
  Other 60 (7.8) 30 (3.2) 29 (3.2) 44 (4.6) 39 (4.5)
 AJCC stage, No. (%)
  I 135 (17.5) 191 (20.3) 192 (21.0) 162 (17.0) 177 (20.4)
  II 141 (18.3) 175 (18.6) 153 (16.7) 183 (19.2) 168 (19.4)
  III 128 (16.6) 147 (15.6) 163 (17.8) 170 (17.8) 143 (16.5)
  IV 194 (25.2) 278 (29.6) 225 (24.6) 249 (26.1) 221 (25.5)

* AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer; PET = positron emission tomography.