Fig. 1.
Adults and a larva of S. cylindricum. (a) Male, (b) female, (c) third instar larva, (d) sampling locations in France and Switzerland. (e, f) Male reproductive organs and the absence of mycangium. Arrow indicates the location of a mycangium in a female. (g, h) Female reproductive organs and the presence of mycangium (arrows). Removed hindgut is indicated by dotted lines. (I, j) Larval gut and cecum-like sacs. ag, accessory gland; cs, cecum-like sac; fg, foregut; hg, hindgut; mcg, mycangium; mg, midgut; mpt, Malpighian tubule, ov, ovary; ovd, (main) oviduct; sp, spermatheca; spg, spermathecal gland; ts, testis. Scale bars: (c, i) 5 mm; (d) 100 km; (e–h, j) 1 mm.