(A-D) Scanning EM of the adult eye at 200x magnification. M8 variants were expressed with 109-68Gal4 at stage-2/3 of the MF. Unlike scaGal4 (Fig 3), reduced expressivity (strength) of 109-68Gal4 in PNCs prevents embryonic lethality of the MAPK variants, and diminishes the reduced eye of the CK2 mimic M8-S159D (A). In contrast the MAPK-refractory protein M8-S151A+S159D elicits no reduced eye (D), whereas the MAPK-mimic M8-S159D (B) and the dual-kinase mimic M8-S151D+S159D (C) elicit a reduced eye. (E) For each genotype, the number of images analyzed for eye size (ommatidial/facet counts) is indicated. Genotypes shown in panels A-D were compared to control (109-68Gal4/+), and ** denotes P-value < 0.001. (A’-D’) Nota of flies expressing M8 variants indicated above panels A-D with 109-68Gal4. All M8 variants elicit MC loss with almost equal severity (F). For each genotype, MCs (per heminotum) were counted in the indicated number of flies. Genotypes shown in panels A’-D’ were compared to control (109-68Gal4/+), and ** denotes P-value < 0.001. Yellow inset indicates that the parental M8-lines had a wild-type eye, IOBs and MCs.