Table 2. Barriers and facilitators to nurse management of hypertension identified by category; total frequency presented.
Category | Barriers | n | Facilitators | n |
Patient | Asymptomatic nature of hypertension | 58 | Patient satisfaction/patient as consumera | 58 |
Patient satisfaction | 51 | Nurse should be primary providera | 25 | |
Patient knowledge and perception of hypertension | 49 | Trusta | 17 | |
Financial resources of the patienta | 43 | |||
Doctor should be primary providera | 31 | |||
Follow-up and linkage to care | 30 | |||
Compliance | 30 | |||
Cure disease vs symptom relief | 28 | |||
Nurse | Inadequate training of health care personnel | 21 | Nurse factor- empowerment, ability to treat | 42 |
Work overload | 20 | Nurse confidencea | 15 | |
Health System | Access to drugsa | 211 | Coordination/integration of health systemsa | 86 |
High cost of chronic disease carea | 95 | Positive patient provider relationship | 30 | |
Non-allopathic care | 68 | |||
Difficulty of treating chronic disease patients | 50 | |||
Access to health care resources or facilities | 36 | |||
Supply chain of medicationsa | 30 | |||
Limited human resources for health | 23 | |||
Negative patient provider relationship | 20 | |||
Overcrowded facilities | 17 | |||
Politics and corruption | 11 | |||
Environmental | Geography/terrain | 20 | ||
Emotional | HIV stigmaa | 16 | Mortality and death concerns | 31 |
Community | Lack of health educationa | 26 | Importance of communitya | 17 |
a. Indicates Delphi top rank.