Fig 5. Hyper- and hypoacetylation of H3K56 causes accelerated senescence.
(A, B) Senescence rates were measured in liquid culture by serial passaging of haploid meiotic progeny of the indicated genotypes, derived from the sporulation of CCY136 (A) and CCY143 (B). Mean ± SE for at least five independent spore isolates for each genotype is shown. (C, D) Telomere Southern blot of survivors of the indicated genotypes obtained from the liquid culture senescence assays from A and B. The parental diploids (CCY136 and CCY143) were included in the blots. est2Δ hst3Δ hst4Δ and est2Δ rtt109Δ survivors were analyzed on average 21.5 and 19.5 PDs, respectively, after the point of maximum senescence. Type I survivors exhibit short telomeres and strong hybridization at 5.2 kb and 6.7 kb, which is due to amplification of the tandemly repeated Y′ short and Y′ long elements, respectively. The telomeres of type II survivor are extended and very heterogeneous in size.