Fig 6. Effect of INO80 binding on expression of luciferase reporter gene in HEK293T cell line.
(A) Diagrammatic representation of the constructs used in the luciferase reporter assays. The constructs are; pGL3 promoter vector without the INO80 binding site, pGL3INO80 BS-Up (BS-Up) where the INO80 binding motif is cloned upstream of the promoter of luciferase reporter gene and pGL3INO80 BS-Dn (BS-Dn) where binding motif is cloned down-stream of the poly(A) signal. (B) The effect of INO80 binding on the expression of reporter gene under normal and knock-down of hINO80 condition in HEK293T cells. The reporter expression is indicated as fold change with reference to expression from pGL3 vector. The firefly luciferase counts were normalized with renilla luciferase counts. (C) The effect of knock-down of PRC members on reporter expression. The constructs pGL3, pGL3 BS-up and pGL3 BS-Dn were transfected in cells treated with siRNA-YY1, siRNA-EED and siRNA-SUZ12. (D) The effect of the mutant oligos (Fig 5A) on reporter expression. The error bars represents the standard deviation (*p value<0.05 and **p<0.001).