Fig 10. A model for interaction of INO80 with its target sites.
The binding motif for YY1 and INO80 are indicated as rectangular boxes; +1 and the arrow indicate the transcription start site and the direction of transcription, A-the known hINO80-YY1 complex involved in chromatin remodeling [11,36]. B- represents four possible scenario for the interaction of INO80 in the upstream region of the genes that it regulates; B1-is a complex recruited by YY1 in which INO80 could be a partner; B2 & B2*- represent genomic regions where both YY1 and INO80 binding motif is present in close vicinity and the recruitment may be through either of them and two different complexes interacting at the same genomic region is possible; B3- represents a region where only INO80 binding motif is present.