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. 2016 Jul 18;11(7):e0159093. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159093

Table 1. mRNAs with differential expression over 1.5 folds and their characteristics.

Symbol GeneID Means-Control Means-CUMS Fold change (CUMS/Control) Probability Chromosomal Map Description
Mbp 17196 1167.25 774.21 0.663277 0.808471 18 E2-E4 myelin basic protein
Gad1 14415 158.22 104.29 0.659166 0.808415 2 D glutamate decarboxylase 1
Htra1 56213 95.96 61.69 0.642924 0.814490 7 F3 HtrA serine peptidase 1
Slc6a11 243616 97.57 61.69 0.632232 0.819693 6 E3 neurotransmitter transporter, GABA
Hap1 15114 115.88 73.03 0.630221 0.822365 11 D huntingtin-associated protein 1
Mobp 17433 82.22 51.47 0.626003 0.821802 9 F4 myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic protein
Cldn11 18417 93.97 58.82 0.625964 0.823124 3 A3 claudin 11
Zcchc12 72693 67.07 41.91 0.624823 0.819159 X A3.3 zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 12
Sparc 20692 144.56 89.25 0.617425 0.829846 11 B1 secreted acidic cysteine rich glycoprotein
Nrsn2 228777 74.56 45.84 0.614833 0.824418 2 G3 neurensin 2
Dusp1 19252 35.145 21.27 0.605349 0.815474 17 A2-C dual specificity phosphatase 1
Gng4 14706 36.19 21.61 0.597044 0.819327 13 A1 guanine nucleotide binding protein
Npas4 225872 25.01 14.85 0.593762 0.810412 19 A neuronal PAS domain protein 4
Cryab 12955 64.66 38.07 0.588849 0.833305 9 A5.3 crystallin, alpha B
Slc32a1 22348 76.71 44.67 0.582285 0.838340 2 GABA vesicular transporter
Gpx3 14778 15.01 8.37 0.557776 0.800456 11 glutathione peroxidase 3
Gad2 14417 43.93 23.94 0.545072 0.843796 2 A3 glutamic acid decarboxylase 2
Calb2 12308 36.07 19.11 0.529868 0.844246 8 E1 calbindin 2
Cacna2d2 56808 22.5 11.08 0.492444 0.851783 9 F1 calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha 2/delta subunit 2
Fos 14281 46.38 22.25 0.479789 0.872764 12 D2 FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene
Arc 11838 184.07 88.04 0.478323 0.882017 15 D3 activity regulated cytoskeletal-associated protein
Agxt2l1 71760 9.65 4.47 0.462973 0.813787 3 G3 alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase 2-like 1
Ngb 64242 10.68 4.79 0.44876 0.828355 12 neuroglobin
Cyr61 16007 10.64 4.56 0.42837 0.834683 3 H2 cysteine rich protein 61
Itih3 16426 19 7.78 0.409737 0.868883 14 inter-alpha trypsin inhibitor, heavy chain 3
Zic1 22771 17.51 6.91 0.394804 0.869614 9 E3.3 zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 1
Peg10 170676 10.83 3.88 0.358726 0.854792 6 A1 paternally expressed 10
Nts 67405 9.83 3.15 0.320956 0.864130 10 D1 neurotensin
Th 21823 7.78 2.44 0.313625 0.847789 7 F5 tyrosine hydroxylase
Doc2g 60425 12.95 4.04 0.312355 0.881792 19 A double C2, gamma
Ecel1 13599 17.63 5.44 0.308565 0.893323 1 D endothelin converting enzyme-like 1
Baiap3 545192 24.13 7.34 0.30433 0.901817 17 A3.3 BAI1-associated protein 3
Ngfr 18053 5.1 1.49 0.293137 0.807993 11 D nerve growth factor receptor
Agt 11606 12.24 3.46 0.282564 0.884689 8 E2 angiotensinogen
Dlk1 13386 10.92 2.76 0.253205 0.883226 12 E-F1 delta-like 1 homolog
Prkcd 18753 17.22 4.3 0.249637 0.906626 14 B protein kinase C, delta
A230065H16Rik 380787 9.24 2.03 0.219697 0.885308 12 F1 RIKEN cDNA A230065H16 gene
Magel2 27385 3.79 0.76 0.200528 0.804534 7 C melanoma antigen, family L, 2
Igsf1 209268 7.05 1.31 0.185684 0.877995 X A5 immunoglobulin superfamily, member 1
Tmem254c 100039192 5.26 0.96 0.18251 0.850405 14 A3 transmembrane protein 254c
S100a8 20201 0.37 4.47 11.92 0.872427 3 F1-F2 S100 calcium binding protein A8
Tmem254b 100039257 3.74 9.44 2.524064 0.835583 14 A3 transmembrane protein 254b
Gm129 229599 8.29 17.38 2.097105 0.849055 3 F2.1 predicted gene 129
Rs5-8s1 790956 9.10 18.62 2.045579 0.847030 17 5.8S ribosomal RNA
Hba-a2 110257 62.98 125.58 1.993966 0.875267 11 hemoglobin alpha, adult chain 2
Beta-s 100503605 119.82 209.28 1.746662 0.846243 7 hemoglobin subunit beta-1-like
Hba-a1 15122 125.14 203.3 1.624516 0.830999 11 A4 hemoglobin alpha, adult chain 1
Hbb-b1 15129 32.64 52.95 1.622396 0.819468 7 E3 hemoglobin, beta adult major chain
Nr1d1 217166 54.85 86.95 1.585232 0.818652 11 D nuclear receptor subfamily 1, group D, member 1
Flot2 14252 40.20 61.47 1.529039 0.801131 11 B5 flotillin 2