Effect of CTS of various magnitudes and frequencies on RVFF. (A) Effects of CTS of various magnitudes on iNOS mRNA expression in RVFF. RVFF grown on Bioflex II plates were subjected to 3%, 6%, 9%, or 18% CTS for 4 hours, in the presence or absence of IL-1β. Subsequently, RNA was extracted and analyzed for iNOS mRNA expression by real-time PCR and end point PCR (inset gel). (B) RVFF grown on Bioflex II plates were subjected to 6% CTS at frequencies of 0, 0.5, 0.05, 0.005 Hz, or static forces for 4 hours, in the presence or absence of IL-1β. Subsequently, RNA was extracted and analyzed for iNOS mRNA expression by real-time PCR and end point PCR (inset gel). Results represent mean and standard error of the mean (SEM) of triplicate values from one out of two separate experiments.