Figure 11.
Top: Scatterplots of the median fore-aft against the warm–cool values for the three groups. All values were normalized to the [0,1] range, in order to aid in the visualization. The blue lines are best linear fits, their slopes are 0.63 (cluster I), 0.49 (cluster II), and 0.46 (weak observers). The Kendall's tau rank correlations are 0. 41 (cluster I), 0.42 (cluster II), and 0.39 (weak observers). Spearman's Rho's are 0.68 (cluster I), 0.56 (cluster II), and 0.55 (weak observers). Bottom: Here, the median fore-aft (red) and warm–cool (blue) values have been plotted both, as a function of the hue index. One believes to spot “phase shifts” that are quite different for the various clusters.