Table 1.
Mass Flux | z‐MIF (t d−1) | d‐MIF (t d−1) | r‐MIF (t d−1) |
Unmelted micrometeorites | 22.0 | 23.2 | 0.3 |
Cosmic spherules | 8.1 | 35.4 | 1.2 |
Ablated atoms | 3.9 | 51.4 | 12.5 |
Na | 0.1 (40%) | 0.7 (83%) | 0.1 (95%) |
K | 0.01 (36%) | 0.07 (76%) | 0.01 (86%) |
Fe | 1.5 (16%) | 17.2 (56%) | 3.7 (94%) |
Si | 0.6 (11%) | 7.9 (45%) | 2.0 (90%) |
Mg | 0.4 (8%) | 6.6 (41%) | 1.8 (88%) |
Ca | 0.01 (2%) | 0.3 (20%) | 0.1 (52%) |
Al | 2.4 · 10−3 (0.5%) | 0.08 (6%) | 0.05 (28%) |
Ti | 5.4 · 10−5 (2% ) | 1.4 · 10−3 (18%) | 6.5 · 10−4 (65%) |
O | 1.3 (10%) | 18.5 (45%) | 4.6 (87%) |
Total | 34 | 110 | 14 |
Note that the mass flux of ablated atoms is broken down by element in the italicized entries, where the number in parenthesis shows the percentage fraction of each element that ablates from its total atmospheric input.