Apparent steady‐state kinetic constants of PDH from A. meleagris and its variants for the electron donor GLC and the electron acceptor Fc+. GLC was probed with the standard Fc+ assay (50 mm sodium phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, 30 °C, fixed value of 0.2 mm Fc+ as electron acceptor). Fc+ was tested in 100 mm borate buffer, pH 8.5, 30 °C. The fixed GLC concentration was adjusted according to the K
M value of the corresponding variant: 25 mm (nsAmPDH, recAmPDH, AmPDH), 50 mm (H103A, Q392A, V511W), 250 mm (Y510A) or 500 mm (H556A, H556N, V511F). ND, not determined