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. 2016 Jul 19;16:599. doi: 10.1186/s12889-016-3265-9

Table 6.

Results of regression models: adjusted odds ratios of heavy episodic drinking, 2008–2013 (95 % CIs; p-values)

48 g+/64 g+ 96 g+/128 g+ 144 g+/192 g+ 192 g+/256 g+
Equivalised household income quintile
  > £49,000 1 1 1 1
 £29,000–£49,000 0.89 (0.82–0.96; 0.003) 0.96 (0.85–1.09; 0.513) 1.03 (0.83–1.29; 0.787) 0.99 (0.67–1.46; 0.968)
 £19,500–£29,900 0.76 (0.70–0.82;<0.001) 0.87 (0.77–0.98; 0.027) 1.06 (0.83–1.34; 0.668) 0.98 (0.67–1.43; 0.923)
 £12,800–£19,500 0.71 (0.64–0.77;<0.001) 0.93 (0.82–1.05; 0.250) 1.07 (0.84–1.37; 0.588) 0.98 (0.63–1.51; 0.925)
  < £12,800 0.69 (0.63–0.76;<0.001) 0.92 (0.80–1.06; 0.240) 1.09 (0.86–1.38; 0.481) 1.17 (0.78–1.76; 0.460)
Highest qualification
 Degree 1 1 1 1
 A-level 1.08 (1.00–1.16; 0.053) 1.24 (1.11–1.39;<0.001) 1.26 (1.05–1.52; 0.015) 0.89 (0.63–1.25; 0.513)
 GCSE 1.00 (0.93–1.06; 0.915) 1.21 (1.10–1.34;<0.001) 1.37 (1.15–1.62;<0.001) 1.44 (1.09–1.91; 0.010)
 Other 0.73 (0.54–0.98; 0.035) 1.01 (0.58–1.76; 0.966) 0.79 (0.19–3.28; 0.758)
 None 0.71 (0.65–0.77;<0.001) 0.97 (0.85–1.11; 0.715) 1.37 (1.09–1.72; 0.007) 1.63 (1.09–2.43; 0.016)
 Higher managerial 1 1 1 1
 Lower managerial 1.03 (0.95–1.12; 0.464) 1.09 (0.96–1.24; 0.179) 1.23 (0.97–1.56; 0.093) 0.89 (0.58–1.37; 0.599)
 Intermediate 0.98 (0.88–1.08; 0.672) 1.23 (1.04–1.46; 0.014) 1.29 (0.96–1.73; 0.091) 0.99 (0.59–1.68; 0.979)
 Small employer/own account 0.96 (0.87–1.06; 0.431) 1.20 (1.03–1.41; 0.022) 1.55 (1.17–2.05; 0.002) 1.59 (1.00–2.54; 0.049)
 Lower supervisory/technical 0.91 (0.82–1.02; 0.095) 1.33 (1.13–1.57;<0.001) 1.55 (1.16–2.06; 0.003) 1.63 (1.01–2.63; 0.044)
 Semi-routine 0.85 (0.77–0.93;<0.001) 1.14 (0.98–1.33; 0.090) 1.50 (1.15–1.95; 0.003) 1.46 (0.93–2.30; 0.098)
 Routine 0.87 (0.79–0.96; 0.006) 1.29 (1.11–1.50;<0.001) 1.59 (1.22–2.07;<0.001) 1.54 (0.98–2.42; 0.058)
 Long-term unemployed 0.60 (0.47–0.77;<0.001) 0.77 (0.54–1.09; 0.142) 1.39 (0.84–2.30; 0.202) 1.58 (0.70–3.58; 0.277)
Other 1.44 (1.13–1.85; 0.004) 1.91 (1.40–2.60;<0.001) 1.42 (0.82–2.47; 0.210) 0.74 (0.25–2.14; 0.584)
Neighbourhood deprivation quintile
 1 (least deprived) 1 1 1 1
 2 1.15 (1.07–1.25;<0.001) 1.25 (1.10–1.42;<0.001) 1.22 (0.96–1.54; 0.098) 1.21 (0.80–1.84; 0.374)
 3 1.06 (0.98–1.15; 0.128) 1.20 (1.05–1.36; 0.005) 1.35 (1.08–1.69; 0.009) 1.38 (0.93–2.04; 0.108)
 4 1.01 (0.93–1.10; 0.767) 1.29 (1.14–1.47;<0.001) 1.55 (1.24–1.93;<0.001) 1.80 (1.23–2.63; 0.002)
 5 (most deprived) 1.00 (0.92–1.09; 0.966) 1.28 (1.12–1.45;<0.001) 1.72 (1.38–2.15;<0.001) 2.00 (1.36–2.93;<0.001)

Adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity and year of survey

The income brackets for equivalised household income qunitile are for the 2013 survey

Thresholds are grams of pure alcohol per week for women/men