Figure 2.
Representative photographs of the self-made bronchial blocker. (A) Dimensions of the self-made bronchial blocker: Uncuffed endotracheal tube (3.0-mm) was blocked at the tip using a 5-mm endotracheal tube core wrapped up with several layers of water-repellent film, 3–0 silk thread was wound around the blocker at 6–7 mm from the tip and an elliptical hole (4×3 mm) was made at 9–10 mm from the head to face the opening of the right main bronchus. (B) Image of the self-made bronchial blocker. (C) Details of the self-made bronchial blocker. (D) Right one-lung ventilation model built by self-made bronchial blocker in vivo, the thread can be seen in the left main bronchus beyond the carina, the left lung was collapsed and the right lung was ventilated.