App log |
All App Activity logs
Including 18 categories of App usage (except games): communication, media player, system, security, social, life, browser, inputting, beautify, reading, map, dictionary, news, money manage, office, photos, health, others
Games: All games; Strategy game; Sport game; Intelligence game; Action game; Simulation game; Role playing game; Shooting game
The top popular App usage: Tencent QQ; WeChat; RenRen; Sina microblog
GPS service |
GPS service usage frequency
Users’ daily range of movement according to GPS records
App package |
Install/uninstall/replace/change/data clean/all operation frequency |
Message number of all combinations of “sending/receiving messages,” “messages in the morning/afternoon/evening/all day,” “contact person is/isn’t in phone contacts,” a total of 24 features.
The percentage of sending in all (received and send) messages
Call |
Call number of all combinations of “making/receiving calls,” “calls in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/all day,” “contact person is/isn’t in phone contacts,” a total of 24 features.
The percentage of outgoing in all (outgoing and incoming) calls
The ratio between all SMS message numbers and all call numbers
Headsets |
Headsets usage |
Wallpaper |
Wallpaper changing |
Contacts |
Contacts delete/add/all change frequency |
Screen |
Unlocking screen in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/all day |
Charging |
Phone charging |