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. 2016 Jul 19;11:99. doi: 10.1186/s13012-016-0459-6

Table 2.

Components of the patient toolkit and their relationship to constructs within the theory of planned behaviour and social cognitive theory

Intervention component Form and information content Theoretical constructs Behaviour change techniques Evidence source
Discussion card Assessment of PA behaviour using a 7-day recall
A decisional balance aid to assess the pros versus the cons for changing PA behaviour
Rulers assessing importance and confidence for change
Attitudes/beliefs (TPB)
Forethought (SCT)
Intention (TPB)
Perceived behavioural control (TPB) and self-efficacy (TPB)
Provide feedback on performance (19)
Time management (38)
Exploratory work
Systematic review [14]
Booklet Support to select an appropriate PA/exercise, set PA goals, consider means of social support, identify barriers/problem solve, set short- and long-term goals, plan activity, self-monitor activity, prevent relapse Forethought (SCT)
Subjective norms (TPB)
Intention (TPB)
Self-regulation (SCT)
Perceived behavioural control (TPB) and self-efficacy (TPB)
Goal setting behaviour (5)
Social support (29)
Barrier identification/problem-solving (8)
Time management (38)
Self-monitoring (16)
Action planning (7)
Systematic review [14, 24, 25]
Activity Planners/Trackers Means to plan and monitor PA/exercise Self-regulation (SCT) Action planning (7)
Self-monitoring (16)
Systematic review [24, 25]
DVD Video recordings of adults with type 2 diabetes engaging in PA/exercise and sharing their stories Symbolising (SCT)
Attitudes/beliefs (TPB)
Observational learning (SCT)
Subjective norms (TPB)
Perceived behavioural control (TPB) and self-efficacy (SCT)
Providing information on the consequences of behaviour to the individual (2) Exploratory work
Pedometer Device to monitor the number of steps taken each day Self-regulation (SCT) Self-monitoring (16) Systematic review [24, 25, 27]
Record of progress pad Record of readiness ruler outcomes, short- and long-term PA/exercise goals, social support, potential barriers and ways to overcome them, self-monitoring method adopted and activities of choice. Provides a mechanism for provision of feedback and an opportunity to monitor progress and recap during subsequent sessions Perceived behavioural control (TPB) and self-efficacy (SCT)
Intention (TPB)
Self-regulation (SCT)
Goal setting behaviour (5)
Barrier identification/problem-solving (8)
Goal setting behaviour (5)
Self-monitoring (16)
Feedback on performance (19)
Systematic review [14, 24, 25]
Diabetes UK leaflet Leaflet entitled, keeping active: an essential part of managing diabetes Attitudes/beliefs (TPB)
Perceived behavioural control (TPB) and self-efficacy (SCT)
Intention (TPB)
Provide information on the consequences of behaviour in general (1) Exploratory work

The numbers in parentheses correspond to the BCT number in the CALO-RE taxonomy

MaMT2D Movement as Medicine for Type 2 Diabetes, TPB theory of planned behaviour, SCT social cognitive theory