Figure 1.
High-performance liquid chromatography chromatogram patterns of the fruit of Korean Citrus platymamma hort. ex Tanaka recorded at 280 nm. The identified flavonoids from the peaks marked in red were as follows: 1, neoeriocitrin; 2, naringin; 3, hesperidin; 4, isosinensetin; 5, sinensetin; 6, tetramethyl-O-isoscutellarein; 7, nobiletin; 8, tetramethoxyflavone; 9, heptamethoxyflavone; 10, tangeretin; and 11, hydroxypentamethoxyflavone. TIC, total ion chromatogram; XWC, extracted wavelength chromatogram; DAD, diode array detector; cps, counts per second; mAU, milli-absorption units.