Copyright form disclosures:
Dr. Ackland received support for travel from Baxter healthcare (talk on beta-blockers 2010); has a patent through UCL Business (patent filed related to assessment of autonomic function - patent application 1414161.8); and received support for article research from the BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION, Wellcome Trust, and Research Councils UK (RCUK). His institution received grant support from the Academy Medical Sciences/Health Foundation Clinician Scientist Award (GLA) (GLA and AVG are supported by the British Heart Foundation Programme Grant. Part of this work was undertaken at UCLH/UCL who received a proportion of funding from the UK Department of Health’s NIHR Biomedical Research Centres funding scheme). Dr. Toner’s institution has a patent through UCL Business (patent filed related to assessment of autonomic function - patent application 1414161.8). Dr. Whittle has a patent through UCL Business (patent filed related to assessment of autonomic function - patent application 1414161.8). Dr. Machhada received support for article research from the Research Councils UK (RCUK). Dr. Dyson served as a board member for Magnus Oxygen, consulted for Magnus Oxygen; is employed by Magnus Life Science/University College London, has a patent related to Magnus Oxygen and not the current manuscript, and has shares in Magnus Oxygen. Dr. Struthers’ institution received grant support from the BJA/RCOA Project grant. Dr. Minto’s institution received grant support from BJA/RCOA Project grant. Dr. Shah received support for article research from the BRITISH HEART FOUNDATION. His institution received grant support from King's College London BHF Centre of Excellence. Dr. Gourine received support for article research from the NIH, Research Councils UK (RCUK), and the British Heart Foundation. His institution received grant support from the Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow and British Heart Foundation Programme Grant. The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have any potential conflicts of interest.