(A) The body weight of Δ/Δep2 mice is significantly reduced compared to their littermates (n = 5). The data was analyzed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) test. (B) Increased spleen/body weight ratio and increased numbers of splenic Mac1+Gr1+ cells in adult Δ/Δep2 animals (n = 4–5). (C) Enlarged lymph nodes and and activated T, B, and dendritic cells in adult Δ/Δep2 (n = 4–8). T cells (CD4+ or CD8+) and B cells (B220+) activation was determined by costaining with CD69; activated dendritic cells were identified as CD11c+ and MHC IIhi or CD80+. (D) Circulating blood cells and plasma levels of chemokines and IgE antibodies in adult mice (n = 6–8). Data represent mean ± SEM. p1 = 0.0002, p2 = 0.023, p3 = 0.002, p4 = 0.002, p5 = 9.83E-8, p6 = 6.31E-7, p7 = 2.91E-7, p8 = 0.004, p9 = 0.001, p10 = 0.008, p11 = 0.011, p12 = 0.046, p13 = 0.050, p14 = 3.65E-4 and p15 = 0.001.