Fig. S3.
Subgroup division of behavioral responses during Ultimatum Game.
A) Acceptance rates in the pre training version for both groups (CT and MT). There are no significant differences between the subgroups in the pre training. The subgroups are: CT and MT divided into subjects who displayed an increased cooperation score [MT_acc_inc (n = 17); CT_acc_inc (n = 10)] and those who exhibited a decreased cooperation score [MT_acc_dec (n = 9); CT_acc_dec (n = 11)].
B) Acceptance rates in the post-training version for both groups. As there were no differences in the pre training version between any of the subgroups, we can infer that the emergent behavioral differences in acceptance rates in the post training condition is a function of the intervention. Error bars are SEM.
acc_dec = acceptance rate decrease; acc_inc = acceptance rate increase.