Gluconeogenesis at 52 weeks of age. A: mRNA expression of G6pase, Pepck, Fbp1, and Pc in control, F-IGFRKO, F-IRKO, and F-IR/IGFRKO mice at the indicated times from 2.5 to 52 weeks of age graphed as fold-change over controls. Results are mean ± SEM of five to six animals per group. B: Random-fed and overnight-fasted blood glucose levels of chow-fed control, F-IGFRKO, F-IRKO, and F-IR/IGFRKO mice at 52 weeks of age. Blood glucose levels (C) assessed over 90 min after intraperitoneal glucagon challenge and serum glucagon levels (E) in control, F-IRKO, and F-IR/IGFRKO mice at indicated times. Results are mean ± SEM of five to six animals per group. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001 compared with controls; #P < 0.05 compared with fed mice. D: PAS-stained liver sections from control, F-IGFRKO, F-IRKO, and F-IR/IGFRKO mice at 52 weeks of age. One representative section from five mice per group is shown.