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. 2016 Jul 21;11(7):e0159195. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0159195

Table 2. Cultured isolates with matching HTS sequences.

Columns show the isolates’ closest relatives according to the BLAST results, the percentage of identity with the BLAST reference strain (identity BLAST), the GenBank accession number of the BLAST reference strain, the number of HTS reads matching the isolate sequences in the surface sample (Reads in Surface), the percentage of the total HTS reads in the surface sample represented by the isolate sequences (% Surface), and the number of isolates of each taxa sequenced. Abbreviations are: Actino (Actinobacteria), Bact (Bacteroidetes), Alpha-P (Alpha-Proteobacetria) and Gamma-P (Gamma-Proteobacteria).

Isolates’ closest relative Identity BLAST GenBank accession number Reads in Surface % Surface Number of isolates
Uncultured Brevundimonas sp. (Alpha-P) 99.90% JX047099 76 1.52x10-2 1
Alteromonas macleodii str. 'Balearic Sea AD45' (Gamma-P) 100% CP003873 40 8.00x10-3 2
Sphingobium olei (Alpha-P) 100% HQ398416 34 6.80x10-3 8
Erythrobacter citreus (Alpha-P) 100% EU440970 31 6.20x10-3 37
Citromicrobium sp.(Alpha-P) 100% HQ871848 22 4.40x10-3 1
Acinetobacter baumannii (Gamma-P) 100% JX966437 16 3.20x10-3 4
Bizionia sp. (Bact) 100% EU143366 13 2.60x10-3 1
Muricauda ruestringensis (Bact) 99% JN791391 4 8.00x10-4 2
Microbacterium jejuense (Actino) 100% AM778450 1 2.00x10-4 1